Tag Archives: before & after

Guest/ Oscar Bedroom Before & After

The guest/Oscar’s bedroom actually isn’t really in the “after” stage, but I like to show some progress.

Here it is when we first moved in BEFORE:

Here is the progress we have made since moving in:

The futon pad is on the floor because we couldn’t get the futon frame (formerly in the living room) to fit through the doorway. We tried taking parts of it off but then we got frustrated so we hauled it back out to the garage and are dealing with the futon pad on the floor for now. We don’t have any overnight guests coming in the near future so this works for us.

Here is the other side:

I know that map frame is way too small to be on that wall alone and it looks weird, but I wanted to get it hung up and out of the way. This room is not really decorated yet, so don’t judge 🙂 I just wanted to show you that we have made some progress. 

In this room we basically had the floors redone, hung new blinds on our new windows, added trim, and painted the walls in Dutch Boy Saddlewood. I had some old Ikea curtains and a rod I found in the garage so I hung those up. They were in a box so that is why they are wrinkled. Someday I may get around to ironing them. For now, it’s kind of like a  storage room. We have extra cloths and coats in the closet so it is functioning just fine for the time being.

I’m theming this room the “travel room”. This is where we have the map La-Z-Boy recliner in the corner. It was given to us years ago from hubby’s grandparents. We also have artifacts from our travels around the world.  We have our “Welcome To Egypt” stuffed camel that we named Adam because we rode a camel named Adam when we were near Cairo.  A lot of our travel souvenirs don’t really go with the rest of the colors in the house. Everything in this room seems to blend together so I think adding good contrast will help this room out a lot.

This room will pretty much look like this until we get the motivation of an overnight guest. Until then…this will have to do. Don’t worry…Oscar will get the boot if we ever do get an overnight guest. We would never make a guest share a room with a snoring, farting bulldog all night (as seen above).

The Office (not the show)

Here is what the 2nd bedroom looked like just after we ripped up the old, brown carpet and moved in:

I was not sad to see that sailboat wallpaper border go.

Here is the progress we have made in the office:

So far we had the floors refinished, painted, hung new trim, replaced the windows and shades, and decorated a little. I would like to get some panels for the window or maybe even make some.

Here are some more pictures of our office in progress:

I have to show my cute little pigs. They used to be a part of my pig collection I had when I was a kid. These are the only ones I saved. 🙂

That is the office so far. I am looking forward to making some panels for the windows. Wish me luck!